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1. Hate Is Foolish Intro
2. Carry The Torch
3. Marksmen (feat. Mado)
4. Martian Men
5. Struggling
6. M Bison (feat. Alpha Conception)
7. Lair Of The Gorgons (feat. Iulianno)
8. Ego Death (feat. Dark God)
9. The Horroh Freestyle
10. Who Stole The Light? (feat. Sunni Sparkles)
11. Frostbite & Scars (feat. Drastic Measurez)
12. Walk Away Skit
13. Solid Ground (feat. Dubious Content & Torunn)
14. Crying Dawn
15. Alarm Bells (feat. Jodie Smith)
16. Tears
17. Caravaggio’s Dream