American Hip-hop Superstar, J. Cole Dishes out his highly anticipated Project Called "KOD" Album. J. Cole’s [i]4 Your Eyez Only[/i] took the rapper from celebrated hitmaker to full-on activist. On [i]KOD[/i], his ruminations on black America and the state of the union are still present, but are less objective reporting and more acquired wisdom from his life as a reluctant superstar. Cole takes rap pundits to task with impassioned, staccato delivery on the title track. And on “Photograph,” he questions the nature of romance in the digital age. [i]KOD[/i]'s production is minimal throughout, clearing space for Cole's elegantly spun stories of opportunistic friends (“The Cut Off”), modern-day drug culture (“Once an Addict”), and the guilt that success can bring (“FRIENDS”).

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