Used To Be EP

South hitmaker and talented artist, Aquadeep, introduces a new extended play project titled "Used To Be" EP. The well enchanted project serves as Aquadeep's latest entry this year following previously released songs. This impressive 2023 songs features Award-winning artist, and Veesoul who added a dope verse. The collaboration between Aquadeep and Veesoul brings together their unique talents and musical styles, resulting in a captivating and memorable EP. "Used To Be" Ep showcases Aquadeep's exceptional songwriting skills and soulful vocals, while Veesoul's contribution adds an extra layer of depth and artistry to the songs.

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Cover de l'album

Aquadeep - Used To Be EP

97 4 0 0 0
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Aquadeep (Stats artiste)

125 8 0 0 0