Grandis Arcanum [Poland, UK]

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Tracklists de l'album

1. Intro
2. Temple of the Black Pharaoh
3. Rain of Black Light (Feat. Sick Since)
4. Time (Interlude)
5. Triumph & Tragedy (Feat. Timbo King & Solomon Childs)
6. Curse of the Damned (Interlude)
7. Prophets of the Apocalypse (Feat. Holocaust & Atma)
8. Morning of the Magicians (Feat. Semantix Tha Sorcera)
9. Twilight Zone (Interlude)
10. War of Sons of Light Against The Sons of Darkness (Feat. Atma & Jahnigga Da Baptist)
11. Lament Configuration (Feat. Beretta 9 & Sick Since)
12. Outro

Cet album est disponible uniquement en téléchargement complet!

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Cover de l'album

Amos The Ancient Prophet & Sinister Stricken - Grandis Arcanum [Poland, UK]

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Chansons populaires de l'album

Amos The Ancient Prophet & Sinister Stricken (Stats artiste)

4 0 0 0 0